August 2024:Popcorn Linux’s extension to x86/RISC-V architectures is accepted at Systor'24. Paper to be available soon.
April 2024:Popcorn Linux’s lightweight program state rewriter is accepted at ICDCS'24. Paper to be available soon.
December 2023:Popcorn Linux-er Abilesh Sundarasamy defends his MS thesis and joins NVIDIA. Congratulations and best wishes Abilesh!
May 2023:Popcorn Linux-er Sandeep Errabelly defends his MS thesis and joins Apple. Congratulations and best wishes Sandeep!
March 2023:Popcorn Linux’s aggregate VM is accepted at EuroSys'23! Paper to be available soon.
January 2023:Popcorn Linux’s aggregate VM is conditionally accepted at EuroSys'23.
December 2022:Popcorn Linux-er Abhishek Bapat defends his MS thesis and joins Zoox. Congratulations and best wishes Abhishek!
August 2022:Popcorn Linux’s container re-randomization work is accepted at MTD/CCS'22. Paper is available here.
May 2022:Popcorn Linux hacker Ho-Ren (Jack) Chuang has successfully defended his PhD dissertation (to be available soon). Jack has joined ByteDance in Mountain View, CA. Congratulations and best wishes Dr. Chuang!
March 2022:Popcorn Linux’s container instantiation -- H-Container -- is accepted at ACM TOCS. Paper is available here!
February 2022: Popcorn Linux hacker Ashwin Krishnakumar has successfully defended his MS thesis on a guest OS for shared memory heterogeneous-ISA machine (thesis to be available soon) and has joined Apple. Best wishes Ashwin!
February 2022: Popcorn Linux hacker Balvansh Heerekar has successfully defended his MEng project on an x86/RISC-V job scheduler (project report is available here) and has joined Splunk. Best wishes Balvansh!
February 2022: Popcorn Linux hacker Naarayanan VSathish has successfully defended his MS thesis on FPGA-accelerated distributed shared memory (thesis to be available soon) and has joined Qualcomm. Best wishes Naarayanan!.
December 2021: Popcorn's OpenMP run-time system for Intel Xeon-Cavium ThunderX/ARM servers is accepted at ACM TOCS! The TOCS paper extends the Middleware 2020 conference paper to handle irregular workloads. The paper is available here.
November 2021: Popcorn Linux's (first) extension to FPGAs will appear at Middleware 2021. Paper with two ACM artifact badges -- ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional, ACM Artifacts Available -- is available here! Full version of the paper is available as an arXiv report.
- January 2021: Popcorn Linux’s LLVM (9.0) toolchain has been upgraded to include LLVM stack maps version 3.0. Checks out our Downloads page!
September 2020:Popcorn's OpenMP run-time system for Intel Xeon-Cavium ThunderX/ARM servers is accepted at Middleware 2020! Paper with two ACM artifact badges -- ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, ACM Artifacts Available
-- is available here!
July 2020: Popcorn-based continuous stack re-randomization technique that yields higher security entropy against stack-based exploits has been accepted at ESORICS 2020! Paper is available here!Source code is available here!
- June 2020: We are proud to announce the release of Popcorn Linux's port to x86/RISC-V architectures, developed by our industry partner, RASEC Technologies! Code is available for both QEMU and SiFive HiFive Unleashed SBC platforms at our Downloads page.
May 2020: Popcorn-based security framework that enables software diversification using ISA heterogeneity has been accepted at RAID 2020! Paper is available here!
May 2020: Popcorn's compiler has been upgraded to LLVM 9.0! Check out the preview-release here!
May 2020: Popcorn-er Ho-Ren (Jack) Chuang has passed his PhD Preliminary Examination. Jack's thesis proposal to be available soon. Congratulations Jack!
- April 2020: Narf Industries, our industry partner and collaborator, has posted an RFC on Popcorn's homogeneous x86 version on LKML!
- April 2020: Popcorn's improved distributed shared memory protocol and subsystem has been accepted at Systor 2020! Paper is available here.
- March 2020: Popcorn's distributed shared memory subsystem, DeX, has been accepted at ICDCS 2020! Paper is available here.
March 2020:We were planning to be at VEE/ASPLOS 2020 with a version of Popcorn completely in user-space! Virtual presentation available here. Paper is available here.
- October 2019: Materials and information for Popcorn's 2019 ACM SOSP tutorial are available here.
September 2019:We will be at PLOS/SOSP 2019 with a new take on multi-kernel OSes! Paper is available here.
August 2019: We will be at SOSP 2019 with atutorial on Popcorn Linux! See our teaser!
September 2019:Popcorn-er Yihan Pang has defended his MS thesis. Read his thesis here!
April 2019: We will be at HPDC 2019 with new results on unikernel Popcorn! Read the paper and poster that we will be presenting!
April 2019: We will be at Systor 2019 with new results on Popcorn!Read the paper that we will be presenting!
- March 2019: Popcorn-er Rob Lyerly has successfully defended his PhD thesis. Rob has joined Facebook in Boston, MA. Congratulations and best wishes Dr. Lyerly!
- February 2019: We will be at PPoPP 2019 with new results on Popcorn! Read the PMAM'19 and PPoPP'19 poster papers that we will be presenting!
- November 2018: Popcorn-er Fazla Mehrab has defended his MS thesis. Read his thesis here!
- July 24th, 2018: We've released updated versions of both the Popcorn Linux OS and compiler -- see the downloads page to try it out!
- June 29th, 2018: Popcorn-er Rob Lyerly was selected to participate in the 2018 ACM Student Research Competition Grand Finals. Rob was the winner of the SRC/PLDI 2017 Competition. Rob's SRC Grand Finals submission is here, award-winning SRC/PLDI 2017 abstract is here, and mugshot is at the 2018 ACM SRC website. Congratulations Rob!
- May 2018: Popcorn-er Daniel Chiba has defended his MS thesis. Read his thesis here!
- May 1st, 2018: Popcorn's OS postdoc lead Dr. Sang-Hoon Kim will be delivering a keynote talk on Popcorn at the 6th Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for the Many-core Era (ROME 2018), co-located with IPDPS 2018, May 21 - 25, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Slides will be available after the workshop.
- September 11th, 2017: We will be at the 2017 Linux Plumbers Conference to present Popcorn Linux. Read our presentation here. Go Popcorn Linux!
- July 13th, 2017:Dr. Changwoo Min, who joins SSRG and the ECE Department as an Assistant Professor, becomes a Popcorn-er. Welcome Dr. Min!
- July 11th, 2017: The Naval Science & Technology Future Force Magazine'sJuly 2017 issue features Popcorn Linux on the cover. Go Popcorn-ers!
- June 23, 2017: We will be at the ARM Research Summit 2017! Read our abstract here and our poster here.
- June 20, 2017: Popcorn-er, Rob Lyerly, has won the ACM SRC 2017 competition, co-located with PLDI 2017. Rob's award-winning abstract is here. Congratulations Rob!
- April 26, 2017: Our Popcorn student Rob Lyerly has been selected for the ACM SRC 2017 competition, co-located with PLDI 2017. He will be presenting his abstract at the conference -- good luck Rob!
- April 19, 2017: We will be presenting our ASPLOS 2017 paper as a Highlight Paper at ACM SYSTOR 2017!
- March 29, 2017: We will be at HotOS 2017 in Whistler! Read the paper we'll present here!
- November 11, 2016: The sources for the ARM/x86 version of Popcorn Linux and the Popcorn compiler toolchain are available here!
- November 10, 2016: We will be at ASPLOS XXII in Xi'an China! Read the paper we'll present here!
- March 15, 2016: We will be at EuroSys/MaRS 2016 and Eurosys/CloudDP 2016 in London! Read the papers we will present here and here.
- November 19, 2015: Our SOSP/HotPower 2015 paper has been selected as one of the Best Papers for publication in ACM Operating Systems Review (OSR), December 2015 issue.
- September 24, 2015: We will be at SOSP/HotPower 2015 in Monterey! Read the paper we will present here. Come to see our ARM+x86 demo! Photo.
- April 16, 2015: We released Popcorn Linux and Compiler Framework for Xeon+Xeon Phi! Download it here.
- April 10, 2015: We will be at Eurosys 2015 in France! Read the paper we will present here.
- January 19, 2015: Saif Ansary's paper accepted at 2015 ASPLOS SRC ACM Competitionhere.
- October 1, 2014: We released Popcorn Linux YOCTO! Download it here.
- July 1, 2014: We will be at OLS 2014 in Ottawa! Read the paper we will present here.
- March 28, 2014: We will be at EuroSys/SFMA 2014 in Amsterdam! Read the paper we will present here.
- March 15, 2014: Popcorn code is open-source and now hosted on Sourceforge!
Popcorn Linux is an open-source project of the Systems Software Research Group at Virginia Tech.
This work is supported in part by ONR under grants N00014-13-1-0317, N00014-16-1-2104, and N00014-16-1-2711, AFOSR under grants FA9550-14-1-0163 and FA9550-16-1-0371, NAVSEA/NEEC under grants 3003279297 and N00174-16-C-0018, and US Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division under grant N00174-20-1-0009. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this site are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of ONR, AFOSR, and NAVSEA.