The project has developed the first version of a replicated kernel OS model for Linux, called Popcorn Linux. This version implements a set of techniques to support replicated-kernel execution and ISA heterogeneity, including that for the boot process, processor grouping, memory management, device driver management, and inter-kernel communication. Popcorn currently runs on x86 64bit architectures. (We also have an unmaintained port on x86 32bit.)
To boot Linux on a subset of hardware resources we added Linux boot parameters to limit the hardware resource discovered, initialized and loaded by any kernel. After the first kernel is loaded by the bootloader, other, secondary, kernels can be loaded from this primary kernel by a modified version of kexec. We developed a new version of the Linux trampoline code to boot a secondary kernel on x86.
Communicating Kernels
Kernels communicate by messages. Each time a kernel boots up, it registers itself on the messaging layer. We define a set of services that can register notifications on every kernel, but only the interested kernels are notified. The current implementation uses a combination of messages over shared memory and inter-processor interrupts with an interrupt mitigation strategy similar to the NAPI layer.
Interacting with different Kernels
We implemented a high-performance in-kernel virtual network interface, that allows processes running on secondary kernels to have network access if required. Applications, however, can rely on standard inter-process communication techniques, like shared memory, which works on multiple kernels operating on cache coherent kernels ,or message-passing on other hardware. For example, we used inter-kernel shared memory to provide a MPICH2 Nemesis channel for running MPI applications on Popcorn. Finally, if the user needs to log into a secondary kernel directly, for debugging purposes, then they can ssh over the in-kernel virtual network, or we provide virtual TTYs between kernels for when the networking itself needs debugging.
Usage Scenarios
Popcorn Linux can be used as
- A single system image operating system for future heterogeneous-ISA platforms.
- An alternative to virtualization, although not as secure as virtual machines, Popcorn extensions to the Linux kernel enable kernel instances to run on the same physical machine without paying the overhead of virtualization.
- A compute node/IO node configuration (also called full and light kernels); you can compile two different kernel images, one with all device drivers and services and the other with a minimal processor support along with a minimal ramdisk.
- To run an application in isolation; a real-time kernel can run its application in total isolation while all other kernels can provide services while not interfering with the real-time execution.
- A monolithic replicated-kernel operating system for educational and research purposes.
- Stramash: A Fused-kernel Operating System for Cache-Coherent, Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms, T. Xing, C. Xiong, T. Wei, A. Sanchez, B. Ravindran, J. Balkind, and A. Barbalace, ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2025), March 30-April 3, 2025, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- HEXO: Offloading Long-Running Compute- and Memory-Intensive Workloads on Low-Cost, Low-Power Embedded Systems, P. Olivier, A. Mehrab, S. Errabelly, S. Lankes, M. L. Karaoui, R. Lyerly, S-H. Kim, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, October-December, 2024
- On RISC-V as a Co-Processor to Offload Background Jobs for Improved Performance and Energy Efficiency in the Datacenter, B. Heerekar, C. Philippidis, H-R. Chuang, P. Olivier, A. Barbalace, and B. Ravindran, 17th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (Systor 2024), September 23-25, 2024, Virtual
- Aggregate VM: Why Reduce or Evict VM’s Resources When You Can Borrow Them From Other Nodes? H. Chuang, K. Manaouil, T. Xing, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, B. Heerekar, and B. Ravindran, 18th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2023), May 8-12, 2023, Rome, Italy
- Rave: A Modular and Extensible Framework for Program State Re-Randomization, C. Blackburn, X. Wang, and B. Ravindran, 9th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense (MTD 2022), Co-located with CCS 2022, November 7, 2022, Los Angeles, USA
- H-Container: Enabling Heterogeneous-ISA Container Migration in Edge Computing, T. Xing, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier, M. Karaoui, W. Wang, and B. Ravindran, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, March 2022
- Transparent, Cross-ISA Enclave Offloading, X. Wang, C. Bilbao, and B. Ravindran, 5th Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution (SysTEX 2022), Co-located with ASPLOS 2022, March 1, 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland
- An OpenMP Runtime for Transparent Work Sharing Across Cache-Incoherent Heterogeneous Nodes, R. Lyerly, C. Bilbao, C. Min, C. Rossbach, and B. Ravindran, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Accepted December 2021
- Xar-Trek: Run-time Execution Migration among FPGAs and Heterogeneous-ISA CPUs, E. Horta, H. Chuang, N. Rao VSathish, C. Philippidis, A. Barbalace, P. Olivier and B. Ravindran, 22st ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (MIDDLEWARE 2021), Online, December 6-10, 2021 (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, ACM Artifacts Available
- An OpenMP Runtime for Transparent Work Sharing Across Cache-Incoherent Heterogeneous Nodes, R. Lyerly, C. Min, C. Rossbach, and B. Ravindran, 21st ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (MIDDLEWARE 2020), Delft, The Netherlands, December 7-11, 2020 (ACM Artifacts Evaluated - Functional
, ACM Artifacts Available
- Dynamic and Secure Memory Transformation in Userspace, R. Lyerly, X. Wang, and B. Ravindran, 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2020), Guildford, United Kingdom, September 14-18, 2020 [source code]
- A Framework for Software Diversification with ISA Heterogeneity, X. Wang, S. Yeoh, R. Lyerly, P. Olivier, S-H. Kim, and B. Ravindran, 23rd International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2020), Donostia / San Sebastian, Spain, October 14-16, 2020
- Scaling Shared Memory Multiprocessing Applications in Non-cache-coherent Domains, H-R. Chuang, R. Lyerly, S. Lankes, and B. Ravindran, The 13th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR 2020), October 13-15, 2020, Haifa, Israel
- DEX: Scaling Applications Beyond Machine Boundaries, S-H. Kim, H-R. Chuang, R. Lyerly, P. Olivier, C. Min, and B. Ravindran, 40th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2020), July 8-10, 2020, Singapore
- Edge Computing – the Case for Heterogeneous-ISA Container Migration, Antonio Barbalace, Mohamed L. Karaoui, Wei Wang, Tong Xing, Pierre Olivier, Binoy Ravindran, In the 16th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE’20), March 17, 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Rethinking Communication in Multiple-kernel OSes for New Shared Memory Interconnects, Antonio Barbalace , Pierre Olivier, and Binoy Ravindran, PLOS 2019 Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems (PLOS'19), in SOSP 2019 The 27th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, October 27, 2019, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada
- Cross-ISA Execution of SIMD Regions for Improved Performance, Yihan Pang, Rob Lyerly, and Binoy Ravindran, 12th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR'19), June 3-5, 2019, Haifa, Israel
- HEXO: Offloading HPC Compute-Intensive Workloads on Low-Cost, Low-Power Embedded Systems, Pierre Olivier, A K M. Fazla Mehrab, Stefan Lankes, Mohamed Karaoui, Robert Lyerly, and Binoy Ravindran, The 28th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC'19), June 24-28, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA
- The Multihype: Virtualizing Heterogeneous-ISA Architectures, Pierre Olivier, Binoy Ravindran, and Antonio Barbalace. The 9th Workshop on Systems for Multi-core and Heterogeneous Architectures (SFMA 2019), March 25 -- 28, 2019, Dresden, Germany.
- A Framework to Secure Applications with ISA Heterogeneity, Xiaoguang Wang, SengMing Yeoh, Robert Lyerly, Sang-Hoon Kim, and Binoy Ravindran. The 9th Workshop on Systems for Multi-core and Heterogeneous Architectures (SFMA 2019), March 25 -- 28, 2019, Dresden, Germany.
- libMPNode: An OpenMP Runtime For Parallel Processing Across Incoherent Domains, Robert Lyerly, Sang-Hoon Kim, and Binoy Ravindran, The 10th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores (PMAM 2019), February 16 -- 20, 2019, Washington DC, USA
- Scheduling HPC Workloads on Heterogenous-ISA Architectures, Mohamed Karaoui, Anthony Carno, Robert Lyerly, Sang-Hoon Kim, Pierre Olivier, Changwoo Min, and Binoy Ravindran, 24th ACM SIGPLAN Annual Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'19), Poster paper, February 16 -- 20, 2019, Washington DC, USA (Full paper is available here)
- AIRA: A Framework for Flexible Compute Kernel Execution in Heterogeneous Platforms, Robert Lyerly, Alastair Murray, Antonio Barbalace, Binoy Ravindran, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2017 (To Appear)
- OS Support for Thread Migration and Distribution in the Fully Heterogeneous Datacenter, Pierre Olivier, Sang-Hoon Kim, Binoy Ravindran, The 16th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS XVI), May 7-10 2017, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada (To Appear)
- Transparent Fault-Tolerance using Intra-Machine Full Software Stack Replication, Giuliano Losa, Antonio Barbalace, Yuzhong Wen, Marina Sadini, Ho-Ren Chuang, and Binoy Ravindran, The 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), June 5-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (To Appear)
- A Distributed Operating System Network Stack and Device Driver for Multicores, B. M. Saif Ansary, Antonio Barbalace, Binoy Ravindran, Thomas Lazor, and Ho-Ren Chuang, The 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2017), Short paper, June 5-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (To Appear)
- Antonio Barbalace, Robert Lyerly, Christopher Jelesnianski, Anthony Carno, Ho-Ren Chuang, Vincent Legout and Binoy Ravindran, "Breaking the Boundaries in Heterogeneous-ISA Datacenters". The 22nd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS XXII), April 2017, Xi'an, China
- Giuliano Losa, Antonio Barbalace, Yuzhong Wen, Marina Sadini and Binoy Ravindran, "Transparent Intra-machine Full-Software-Stack Replication for Fault Tolerance". Short Paper. The 6th Workshop on Cloud Data and Platforms (CloudDP '16). Co-located with the 2016 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2016), April 2016, London, United Kingdom
- Rob Lyerly, Antonio Barbalace, Christopher Jelesnianski, Vincent Legout, Anthony Carno and Binoy Ravindran, "Operating System Process and Thread Migration in Heterogeneous Platforms". The 2016 Workshop on Multicore and Rack-Scale systems (MaRS '16). Co-located with the 2016 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2016), April 2016, London, United Kingdom
- Sharath K. Bhat, Ajithchandra Saya, Hemendra K. Rawat, Antonio Barbalace and Binoy Ravindran, "Harnessing Energy Efficiency of Heterogeneous ISA Platforms". The 2015 USENIX Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems (HotPower '15). Co-located with the 25th ACM SOSP, October 4, 2015, Monterey, California, USA. Published in ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review (OSR), Volume 49 Issue 2, December 2015, Pages 65-69 [acm link]
- David Katz, Antonio Barbalace, Saif B.M. Ansary, Akashay Ravichandran and Binoy Ravindran, "Thread Migration in a Replicated-kernel OS". The 35th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS XXXV), June 2015, Columbus, Ohio, USA
- Antonio Barbalace, Marina Sadini, Saif B.M. Ansary, Christopher Jelesnianski, Akshay Ravichandran, Cagil Kendir, Alastair Murray and Binoy Ravindran,"Popcorn: Bridging the Programmability Gap in Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms". The 2015 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2015), April 2015, Bordeaux, France
- Curt Albert, Alastair Murray and Binoy Ravindran, "Applying Source Level Auto-Vectorization to Aparapi Java". International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on Java Platform: Virtual Machines, Programming Languages, and Tools (PPPJ '14), September 2014, Cracow, Poland
- Antonio Barbalace, Binoy Ravindran and David Katz, "Popcorn: a replicated-kernel OS based on Linux". The 2014 Ottawa Linux Symposium (OLS '14), July 2014, Ottawa, Canada [dreamhosters link]
- Antonio Barbalace, Alastair Murray, Rob Lyerly and Binoy Ravindran, "Towards Operating System Support for Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms". The 4th Workshop on Systems for Future Multicore Architectures (SFMA '14). Co-located with the 2014 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2014), April 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Marina Sadini, Antonio Barbalace, Binoy Ravindran and Francesco Quaglia, "A Page Coherency Protocol for Popcorn Replicated-kernel Operating System". 2013 Many-Core Architecture Research Community (MARC '13) Symposium. Co-located with ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), October 2013, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
- Robert Lyerly, Sergey Bratus and Binoy Ravindran, "Secure Popcorn: Using Machine Boundaries to Harden Applications". ARM Research Summit 2017, Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Robert Lyerly and Binoy Ravindran, "Seamless POSIX/OpenMP Thread Migration Across ISA Boundaries". ACM Student Research Competition, co-located with ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2017), June 2017, Barcelona, Spain
- Giuliano Losa, Antonio Barbalace, Yuzhong Wen, Marina Sadini and Binoy Ravindran, "FT-Popcorn: Transparent Fault Tolerance on Multicore Processors for Cloud Applications". The 2016 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2016), April 2016, London, United Kingdom
- Pierre Olivier, Antonio Barbalace and Binoy Ravindran, "Multi-Variant Execution atop a Decomposed Hypervisor on Emerging Heterogeneous-ISA Multicore". The 2016 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2016), April 2016, London, United Kingdom
- Christopher Jelesnianski, Anthony Carno, Rob Lyerly, Antonio Barbalace and Binoy Ravindran, "Seamless Thread Migration in Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms". The 25th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2015), October 4-7, 2015, Monterey, California, USA
- Rob Lyerly, Christopher Jelesnianski, Antonio Barbalace and Binoy Ravindran, "Compiler Support for Application Migration in Heterogeneous-ISA Platform". The 2015 ACM European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys 2015), April 2015, Bordeaux, France
- Saif B.M. Ansary, "The Case for Resurrecting Distributed Virtual Shared Memory". ACM Student Research Competition, 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), March 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, POSTER FINALIST
- Antonio Barbalace, Alastair Murray, Robert Lyerly and Binoy Ravindran, "Towards Operating System Support for Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms". The 4th Workshop on Systems for Future Multicore Architectures (SFMA '14), April 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Marina Sadini, David Katz, Antonio Barbalace, Alastair Murray and Binoy Ravindran, "Towards Replicated-kernel OS Support for Task Migration on Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms". The 24th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP 2013). Farmington, Pennsylvania, USA, November 3-6, 2013
- Marina Sadini, Antonio Barbalace, Binoy Ravindran and Francesco Quaglia, "A Page Coherency Protocol for Popcorn Replicated-kernel Operating System". ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH), October 2013, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
- Ben Shelton, Antonio Barbalace, David Katz, Alastair Murray and Binoy Ravindran, "Towards Operating System Support for Heterogeneous-ISA Platforms". 6th International Systems and Storage Conference (Systor 2013). Haifa, Isreal, June 30-July 2, 2013
- Robert Lyerly, Alastair Murray and Binoy Ravindran, "Automatic Kernel Mapping for Functionally Heterogeneous Parallel Architectures". 5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar '13). San Jose, CA, USA, June 2013
- Sandeep Errabelly, Netswap: Network-based Swapping for Server-Embedded Board Clusters, May 2023
- Abhishek Bapat, HetMigrate: Secure and Efficient Cross-architecture Process Live Migration, December 2022
- Ho-Ren Chuang, On Optimizing and Leveraging Distributed Shared Memory for High Performance, Resource Aggregation, and Cache-coherent Heterogeneous-ISA Processors, May 2022
- Ashwin Krishnakumar, ZxOS: Zephyr-based Guest Operating System for Heterogeneous-ISA Machines, February 2022
- Balvansh Heerekar, Lowest-Slowdown-offloaded-First Heterogeneous-ISA Scheduler, February 2022
- Naarayanan R. VSathish, fDSM: An FPGA-Accelerated Distributed Shared Memory for Heterogeneous Instruction-Set-Architecture Hardware, February 2022
- Chris Blackburn, "rave: A Framework for Code and Memory Randomization of Linux Containers", July 2021
- SengMing Yeoh, "Secure and Efficient In-Process Monitor and Multi-Variant Execution", December 2020
- Ho-Ren Chuang, "On Optimizing and Leveraging Distributed Shared Memory: High-Performant Sequential Memory, Relaxed-consistent Memory, and Distributed Hypervisor for Resource Aggregation", PhD Dissertation Proposal, May 2020
- Yihan Pang, "Leveraging Processor-diversity For Improved Performance In Heterogeneous-ISA Systems", September 2019
- Robert Lyerly, "Popcorn Linux: A Compiler and Runtime for Execution Migration Between Heterogeneous-ISA Architectures", PhD Dissertation, March 2019
- A. K. M. Fazla Mehrab, "Cross-ISA Execution Migration of Unikernels: Build Toolchain, Memory Alignment, and VM State Transfer Techniques", November 2018
- Daniel Chiba, "Optimizing Boot Times and Enhancing Binary Compatibility for Unikernels", May 2018
- Yuzhong Wen, "Replication of Concurrent Applications in a Shared Memory Multikernel", June 2016
- Christopher Jelesnianski, "A Compiler Framework to Support and Exploit Heterogeneous Overlapping-ISA Multiprocessor Platforms", October 2015
- B.M. Saif Ansary, "High Performance Inter-kernel Communication and Networking in a Replicated-kernel Operating System", September 2015
- Ajithchandra Saya, "Efficient Inter-Kernel Communication in a Heterogeneous Multikernel Operating System", MEng Report, June 2015
- Akshay G. Ravichandran, "Single System Image in a Linux-based Replicated Operating System Kernel", February 2015
- David Katz, "Popcorn Linux: Cross Kernel Process and Thread Migration in a Linux-Based Multikernel", September 2014
- Rob Lyerly, "Automatic Scheduling of Compute Kernels Across Heterogeneous Architectures", May 2014
- Curt Albert, "Applying Source Level Auto-Vectorization to Aparapi Java", May 2014
- Ben Shelton, "Popcorn Linux: enabling efficient inter-core communication in a Linux-based multikernel operating system", May 2013
- Pierre Olivier and Sang-Hoon Kim, "Popcorn Linux: Compiler & OS Support for Execution Migration in Heterogeneous ISA Environments", Checkpoint-Restart session, Linux Plumbers Conference, Los Angeles, USA, 2017.
- A. Barbalace, "Popcorn Project: Replicated-kernel Linux", Virginia Tech Linux and Unix User Group Meeting, 2nd May 2013
- A. Barbalace, "Popcorn Project: Starting with Popcorn OS", Virginia Tech Linux and Unix User Group Meeting, 2nd May 2013
- H-Container Tutorial with Docker on AWS details
- Popcorn Linux Tutorial @ SOSP 2019 details, video, abstract
- "Video tutorial: booting Popcorn Linux on 64 cores", ECE Department, Virginia Tech, May 2013 (WMV encoding, 512kbps, 8mbps)
- "Video tutorial: process migration between two kernels", ECE Department, Virginia Tech, May 2013 (WMV encoding, 512kbps, 8mbps)
- Antonio Barbalace, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- Cesar Philippidis, Rasec Tech, San Jose, CA, USA
- Binoy Ravindran, Virginia Tech, USA
- Hemanth Ramesh, Synopsys, San Jose, CA
- Jaidev Shastri, Virginia Tech, USA
- Xiaoguang Wang, University of Illinois Chicago, USA
- Tong Xing, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Former Members
- Christopher Boerner, Virginia Tech, USA
- Neil Baptiste, Virginia Tech, USA
- Sandeep Errabelly, Apple, San Diego, CA
- Edson Horta, Rivanna Medical, Charlottesville, VA, USA
- Mohamed Husain, Apple, San Diego, CA
- Malcolm Moss, ERCOT Analyst, VA, USA
- Dan Nguyen, General Dynamics Mission Systems, VA, USA
- Abilesh Sundarasamy, NVIDIA, Santa Clara, CA
- A K M Fazla Mehrab, ByteDance, San Jose, CA
- Abhishek Bapat, Zoox, CA
- Naarayanan Rao VSathish, Qualcomm, Boston, MA
- Carlos Bilbao, AMD, Austin, TX
- Ashwin Krishnakumar, Apple, San Diego, CA
- Ho-Ren Chuang (Jack), ByteDance, Mountain View, CA
- Charles Hall, US Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA
- Balvansh Heerekar, Splunk, San Jose, CA
- Mohamed Karaoui, Algeria
- Beichen Liu, Teledyne Lecroy, Charlottesville, VA, USA
- Pierre Olivier, The University of Manchester, UK
- Yihan Pang, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
- SengMing Yeoh, Amazon, Arlington, VA, USA
- Rob Lyerly, Facebook, Boston, MA, USA
- Anthony Carno, Lockheed Martin, CA, USA
- Daniel Chiba, Qualcomm, MA, USA
- Christopher Jelesnianski, Virginia Tech
- Sang-Hoon Kim, Ajou University, South Korea
- Mincheol Sung, Virginia Tech
- Sheng Wei, Virginia Tech
- Buse Yilmaz, Virginia Tech
- Curt Albert, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA, USA
- Siraji Ali, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Brandon Amos, Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA
- Saif Ansary, CISCO System, San Jose, CA, USA
- Sharath Bhat, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Arijit Chattopadhyay, Bloomberg, New York, NYC, USA
- Michael Drescher, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Shawn Furrow, Lockheed Martin, VA, USA
- David Katz, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MA, USA
- Charlie Kendir, L3 Communications, TX, USA
- Thomas Lazor, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Vincent Legout, gandi.net (Gandi SAS), Paris, France
- Giuliano Losa, UCLA, CA, USA
- Lukas Lozovski, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Andy Martin, Qualcomm, NC, USA
- Sean Moore, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Alastair Murray, CodePlay, Edinburgh, UK
- Akshay Ravichandran, Hughues Network, Germantown, Maryland, USA
- Deepak Rajendrakumaran, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Marina Sadini, Apple, CA, USA
- Ajithchandra Saya, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Alexander Sung, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Ben Shelton, Intel Corporation, Austin, TX, USA
- Sujit Thumma, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Yuzhong Wen, Qualcomm, CA, USA
- Xiaolong Wu, Virginia Tech, VA, USA
- Stefan Lankes, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- Jens Meier
- Phil Wilshire
Open Positions
Two postdoctoral positions are available in the Systems Software Research Group at Virginia Tech's ECE Department on projects involving scalable multicore operating systems and multicore virtualization with quality of service guarantees. Recent computer science or computer engineering PhD graduates with background in operating systems, virtualization, dependability, and distributed systems are sought for both positions. Strong programming expertise with the Linux kernel and/or Linux-based hypervisors such as KVM and Xen is required.
Both positions are for two-year minimum, with strong possibilities for additional years, and have no teaching obligations. Contact Prof. Binoy Ravindran ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) with a CV or for any questions.